Thread lift - a soft lift for maximum results
The thread lift has proven to be a very good alternative to the traditional facelift. In this procedure, fully resorbable sutures are introduced into the skin under local anesthesia. The specialist then skillfully pulls on them to achieve the desired lifting and modeling effect, for example, at the mouth corners, cheeks or eyebrows – without any type of surgery and with up to two years of effectiveness. In addition to the immediate lifting effect, the threads stimulate the body's own natural collagen, providing a natural volumizing effect!
Approx. 1 hour
After 2 weeks
Local anesthesia
5 days of antibiotics as protection against infection; analgesics
After two to three days; no scars remain
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions.
If you do not find the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What is meant by a thread lift?
Thread lifting is the term used for a treatment of wrinkles that is being used more and more frequently in aesthetic surgery. Unlike a conventional lift, a thread lift is performed without incisions, using only threads that are inserted into the skin. Wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté can be smoothed out and cellulite and overstretched skin can be firmed.
Two types of threads are used in thread lifting: Polydioxanone threads and traction threads. Polydioxanone threads (also called PDO threads) are inserted transversely to the muscle axis and cause a volume filling. The threads are made of polylactic acid and stimulate the body's own collagen production. Traction threads are also used across the muscle axis and achieve a clearly visible tightening of the treated areas. As a rule, Silhouette Soft threads are used, which - equipped with small barbs - cause the skin to contract. The result is a hardening of the connective tissue, which also stimulates the production of the body's own collagen.
By means of a thread lift, various types of wrinkles (nasolabial fold, wrinkles around the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth, etc.) can be visibly smoothed and the face given a taut overall appearance. Facial contours can be successfully modelled with it. The neck and décolleté also appear much smoother and firmer after a thread lift. Promising results have also been achieved in the tightening of cellulite and overstretched skin.
Thread lifting can be applied to the following areas:
- Cheeks
- Jaw
- Neck
- Décolleté
- Eyebrows
- Temples
- Forehead
- Eye area
- Nasolabial folds
- Mouth-chin-fold
- Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth
- Vertical folds in front of the ear
- Upper arms
- Belly
- Other areas
However, the technique of thread lifting also has its limitations and comes with higher costs. The positive results last for about two years.
What is the procedure for thread lifting?
A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure that takes about an hour and is performed on an outpatient basis (without hospitalization) under local anesthesia. In very rare cases, a general anesthetic or twilight sleep is also used, but these anesthetic procedures are extremely unusual in thread lifting and are generally not recommended.
Before the thread lift, the plastic surgeon draws the path of the threads to be inserted on your face. The treads are then inserted transversely or perpendicularly to the muscle axis. Through small punctures with a hollow needle or cannula, the threads are carefully placed under the skin and fixed with gentle, massage-like movements. The thread lift is complete when the threads are in place and the needle has been removed. Afterwards you will be ready to leave the clinic immediately. The stitches dissolve on their own within ten to fifteen months and therefore do not have to be removed. The smoothing and tightening effect of thread lifting, on the other hand, can last up to two years after the threads have been removed.
By the way: A thread lift can also be combined well with other anti-aging treatments (injections with botulinum toxin or derma fillers made of hyaluronic acid and collagen preparations).
For whom is a thread lift suitable?
A thread lift can successfully treat wrinkles that typically appear between the ages of 30 and 50 due to increasing age. After the age of 50, the skin sometimes slackens so noticeably that thread lifting by itself would no longer achieve a satisfactory effect. For someone 50 years of age or older, a classic facelift is more suitable to bring about the desired results.
A thread lift is not recommended if you have excess skin in the face and neck area. Since the excess skin that makes the face look saggy and tired is not removed by a thread lift, the desired effect is not shown in this situation.
In the case of a bit of cellulite or stretch marks, a thread lift can also bring about a slight improvement in the appearance of the skin.
Thread lifting cannot be performed if there are any inflammatory skin disorders around the skin to be treated. A thread lift can only be considered once the damaged skin areas have recovered.
A thread lift is not recommended for:
- Excess skin
- Allergy or intolerance to the thread material
- Inflammatory disorders of the skin
- During pregnancy or while breastfeeding