Breast lift – for a well-formed, firm bosom!
When breasts lose their volume, shape and firmness, a breast lift – on its own or in combination with augmentation or reduction surgery – can make sense and help you feel good in your own body. The experienced specialists at Aesthea attach great importance to giving you shapely, firm breasts. They will go to great lengths to preserve your normal sensations and if possible also your ability to breastfeed.
Approx. 2 to 3 hours
1 to 2 days
After approx. 6 weeks
General anesthesia
Compression bra for 4 to 6 weeks
After approx. 4 to 7 days; longer sick leave is generally necessary in case of heavy physical work

Frequently asked questions
Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions.
If you do not find the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.
What are the requirements for a breast lift?
Although a breast lift can theoretically be performed at any age, we strongly advise to wait until breast growth is complete. If you are thinking about losing weight or getting pregnant in the near future, these are essential factors to consider in planning a breast lift. After all, the breast can change as a result of both weight fluctuations and pregnancy, especially after breastfeeding – including in undesirable ways.
What risks are associated with a breast lift procedure?
Although in principle every surgical procedure involves certain risks, they are relatively low if you are in good health and the operation is performed in a high-quality clinic by a competent and experienced specialist surgeon. You are in very good hands in this respect at the certified Aesthea clinic.
Bruises (hematomas), wound fluid accumulations (seromas) and swellings are among the milder complications that usually heal without sequelae. More severe bruises sometimes even have to be surgically removed. The skin and nipples of the breast occasionally also have (usually only temporary) sensitivity disorders.
Pain is very limited after breast lift surgery and resembles a severe muscle ache. Light painkillers that reduce the swelling will make any discomfort you may experience quite tolerable. You can continue taking painkillers at home for the first few days.
Serious complications include infections, wound healing disorders and circulatory disorders of the breast tissue (including the loss of the nipple). These complications are very unusual if the diagnostic evaluation is correct and the operation is performed competently. In rare cases, such complications can nevertheless result in a longer follow-up treatment or a second operation. We thus consider it important to thoroughly inform you about any risks and possible complications. At Aesthea Clinic, this always takes place during an individual and personal consultation.
Will I still be able to breastfeed after breast lift surgery?
You can generally breastfeed after a breast lift. This is because the surgical procedure at Aesthea ensures that the connection between the milk ducts or the milk-producing breast gland tissue and the nipple remains intact.
Does breast lift surgery change the nipples?
Breast lift surgery usually reduces the size of the nipples and adjusts their diameter to suit the new breast size.
Is a breast lift performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis?
A breast lift is usually performed as an inpatient procedure and usually implies a one night stay at the clinic. All the necessary preliminary examinations take place in the run-up to the planned date of surgery.
What does the time right after breast lift surgery look like?
The recovery time following an operation varies from person to person. Please take it easy on your body and do not lift your arms above shoulder height during the first days after the breast lift. You should also avoid heavy lifting during this time. Please sleep on your back for the first few nights after the operation. You must only take the painkillers that your attending physician at Aesthea prescribes for you. You should not take medication containing aspirin or other anticoagulants. Please wear the tailor-made special bra continuously for a total of four to six weeks and follow the recommendations of the specialists at Aesthea You should avoid physically demanding activities and sports for six to eight weeks.
A feeling of tension and slight pain in the chest area is normal for the first two to five days after the procedure. Although you may also experience minor swelling and bruising it tends to subside within two to three weeks.
Bandages and wound drains are removed in the first few days after the operation, allowing you to shower normally again. Please nevertheless refrain from bathing and avoid excessive heat (sauna) for several weeks or until the swelling subsides.
The breasts are usually swollen for about six weeks after surgery, after which they gradually regain their original softness. The healing process usually takes between six to twelve months before the final result of the operation can be conclusively assessed. Although some of the scars on the chest may be reddened or look darker for a few months, they tend to fade with time and are hardly visible later on. Another advantage is that all scars are easy to hide, even if you are wearing cut out dresses.
When can I start doing sports again after a breast lift operation?
Depending on the type of sport and the level of exertion, you can gradually take up sports activities again after six to eight weeks.
How long will I be unable to work after a breast lift?
You can expect to be unable to work for about a week after a breast lift surgery, although the duration also depends on your job. You can hasten the recovery process by keeping the time right after the operation as stress-free as possible.
Is it advisable to have a mammogram before breast lift surgery?
The recommendation depends on various factors (age as well as personal and familial risk factors). If you are over thirty and have familial or personal risk factors, it may a good idea to have a mammogram (X-ray examination of the breast) or a breast ultrasound before breast surgery (reduction, lift, etc.).